Ouais this is Me In The Bath First take is the right take We, we, the rate people From spring to fall we gather Hazel, nuts and the seed of the hemp From spring to fall we gather To get the food that lasts winterlong The work is hard, the reward small Seeds we gather, seeds we gather Under our fur our blood runs warm We bend, we bend, we bend Close to the ground for seeds to gather But there's something that has to be told The snake people from the ancient time They do not know they belong to past The snake people from the ancient time They do not see we feel and love They do not love, except their own will Their blood runs cold Under their skin They don't see nothing, excepting preys Their killing will has nothing to say We, we, the rat people Watch them coming for massacre What can we do, nothing but fear What can we do Here is their will The snake people only see preys They don't know we feel we love The snake people from the ancient past Their skin is cold and their look is ice May love enlight any of us May they learn how we talk and love Friendly we are, faithful to our people We do not eat flesh We do not eat flesh Hard we work, from spring to fall To gather nuts, hasel and wheat The snake people In the winter sleep But when the sun warms Their ancient skin They come to kill They come to kill May we learn May love enlight any of us May they learn how we talk and love May we learn May they learn May all of us learn